Hello everyone! Have you been outside yet? What is the weather like in your neighborhood? Can you guess what day it is?

Nauttasha has a song for us! Sing along if you like…it is an easy one to learn.

Here’s a greeting from Maddy!

What pets do you have at home? Do you help take care of them?

Lauren and Melissa have activities for you!

And here’s a challenge. Can you guess what song Kat is playing on her violin?

The Kinderprep and Preschool groups are planting in the garden. Wheat is being planted in preparation for an activity late summer/early fall. The plan is to grind the wheat into flour and then make bread. Just like in the Little Red Hen!

One version of this story can be checked out from the Washington Overdrive Library digitally. It can be found here.

The Little Red Hen.jpg

Are you practicing stewardship at home? What kinds of things can you do to help out?

Thanks for coming to visit and have a great Wednesday!

The Blossom Staff